
Welcome till Schiff Design!

Design is what characterizes most of what I do, whether it's education, graphic design, photography, art or crafts. It is about a combination of lateral thinking, conscious structure and focus and requires that you occasionally move outside the safe zone. That's what makes the difference!

I have a great commitment to and a broad experience of leadership, group development and learning, with connections to our knowledge of the human brain, our language, social skills and creativity.

I also have many years of experience working with photography, graphic design and marketing communication and in the last ten years I have put some focus on work in wood and mixed media.

Welcome to take a look at my pictures and read more about my seminars and lectures.

Thomas Schiff

Jag kommer att finnas på plats för att berätta om utställningen den

16 och 17 juli mellan

13.00 och 17.00